Bonn is the European Forest City 2024

The city of Bonn has been granted the title of “European Forest City 2024” by the European Forest Institute. Mayor Katja Dörner received the official certificate from EFI Director Robert Mavsar on 22 February 2024.
The award recognises the importance of forests for the city and its residents, as well as the city’s reputation for research and communication on forest-related topics.

Robert Mavsar said: “By granting Bonn the European Forest City award, EFI is honouring not only the special connection between the city and its forests, but also its leading role as an international science and communication centre for forest-related topics. The city is making a significant contribution to raising awareness of the crucial role of forests in the fight against climate change.”
Mayor Dörner said: “I am very pleased Bonn is named European Forest City 2024 by the European Forest Institute. Bonn’s sustainable approach to its forest areas and trees makes a valuable contribution to reducing the consequences of and adapting to the climate crisis. EFI builds a bridge between Bonn as a green city and a science city, and fits perfectly into Bonn’s biodiversity profile.”
More information
From 2014, the European Forest Institute has granted the title of ‘European Forest City’ to the city which hosts the EFI Annual Conference. Find out more here:
City of Bonn:
Photo: Sascha Engst/Bundesstadt Bonn