EFIMED newsletter brims with springtime updates from the Mediterranean

March not only brought us spring but also several weeks full of events, project activities and interesting publications that we highlight in this edition of the EFI Mediterranean Network News. This month's newsletter features on top of the list the official presentation of Barcelona and its metropolitan area as European Forest City 2022, a distinction awarded annually by EFI.
In parallel, during the week of 21-25 March, the seventh edition of the Mediterranean Forest Week took place in Antalya, Turkey. Members of the EFIMED team, who participated in the event as guest speakers and moderated some sessions, share their views on the conference and seminars in which EFI was closely involved.
In addition, in this newsletter you will find many contents related to forest resilience to climate change and, more specifically, on forest fire prevention. On this last topic, EFIMED has recently published a series of factsheets in collaboration with the Barcelona Provincial Council with best local practices for wildfire prevention in the Mediterranean.
As ever, this edition includes calls, job opportunities, upcoming events, and publications from all over the Mediterranean, as well as items of interest from elsewhere.
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Contribute to the next issue!: Contact: Sarah Adams, Editor, EFI Mediterranean Facility, Barcelona.