EFIMED’s April newsletter: non-stop activity with lots of webinars and project updates!

This year's first EUFORGEN webinar, in collaboration with EFI Mediterranean and Biocities Facility, takes centre stage in April's EFI Mediterranean Network News. The online event will address the threat posed by the pine tortoise scale insect to Mediterranean stone pines, with a focus on how forest genetics research can bring hope for possible solutions.
Alongside this lead story, the EFIMED newsletter is packed with other project news, webinars planned for the coming month and interesting stories in the field of forest resilience and forest innovation in Europe. Don't miss the latest stories from the European projects OptFORESTS, HoliSoils and FOREST4EU!
We would also like to welcome our new colleague Dr Bruno Fady, from INRAE (France), who joins the EFIMED Facility team as a visiting researcher until the end of the year.
As ever, this edition includes calls, upcoming events and publications from all over the Mediterranean, as well as items of interest from elsewhere.
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Contribute to the next issue! Contact: Sarah Adams, Editor, EFI Mediterranean Facility, Barcelona.