EFIMED’s November newsletter now out!

After a fast-paced November with a lot of news in our Mediterranean network, EFIMED is pleased to share with you a new bulletin full of interesting updates! In this new autumn edition, we follow up on the impact of our White Paper on the potential of non-wood forest products for the Europe’s green economy, co-published with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), which was presented at a side event of the joint Session of the UNECE Committee on Forests and the Forest Industry and the 41st FAO European Forestry Commission (EFC).
In the November issue you can also find news on ROSEWOOD4.0‘s Horizon 2020 project, which has launched an online Knowledge Platform that collects the most cutting-edge digital solutions and innovations in forestry in Europe. Many of these innovations are also presented in video format on its YouTube channel.
In collaboration with this project, the EFI Bioregions Facility is also organising a series of “Forestry Speed Dating” sessions every month to connect forest innovators who have developed these applications with all forest stakeholders (enterprises, forest managers, practitioners, and owners) interested in implementing these innovations and technologies in their day-to-day work.
As ever, this autumn edition includes calls, upcoming events, and publications from all over the Mediterranean, as well as items of interest from elsewhere.
Subscribe to receive the bulletin every month in your inbox!
Contribute to the next issue!: Contact: Sarah Adams, Editor, EFI Mediterranean Facility, Barcelona.