EFI's Mediterranean network gets the autumn season off to a flying start!

After the brief summer break, EFI Mediterranean Facility (EFIMED) is back with the September newsletter for our network! In this edition, we highlight as the top story the proposal that came out of the 8th International Wildland Fire Conference in Porto: the Landscape Fire Governance Framework (LFGF), a new model of fire governance that brings together governments, business, academia, and members of civil society.
Also, this autumn we are warming up at EFIMED with the Young Leadership Programme 2023 which will take place during the first week of October. You can take a look here to see the full panel of guest speakers who will be joining us during the sessions.
Among other relevant news, Robert Mavsar's appointment as the new EFI’s Director and the launch of a new EFI science-policy study that assesses how national and regional policies meet the goals of the EU Forest Strategy, which presents nine policy recommendations to aid the strategy's implementation.
As always, this edition includes calls for papers, upcoming events, publications from around the Mediterranean and articles of interest from elsewhere.
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Contribute to the next issue! Contact: Sarah Adams, Editor, EFI Mediterranean Facility, Barcelona.