New SAB members appointed

Due to the drastic consequences of natural disturbances that have taken place this year, and the upcoming changes in the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) memberships next year, the EFI Board considered that the future work of the SAB would benefit from the expertise of two new members. Therefore, Hervé Jactel is appointed as the new member of the Scientific Advisory Board as of 1 January 2023 and Silvano Fares is appointed as the new member of the Scientific Advisory Board as of October 2023.
Hervé Jactel is a principal scientist at INRAE. He received his PhD in Forest Entomology in 1991 and his Habilitation in Forest Ecology in 2003. His main research topics are biodiversity and the functioning of forest ecosystems, with a particular focus on the regulation of insect herbivory and the integrated management of forest pests. He has developed methods for forest risk analysis, studying the effects of global change on hazard occurrence, forest vulnerability and the socio-economic impact of damage in planted and urban forests. He uses a combination of approaches, ranging from long-term ecological studies to meta-analyses and multi-criteria decision tools. He has coordinated three European research projects; the latter being HOMED on the management of invasive forest pests and pathogens in European forests. He is member of the French Academy of Agriculture. He also chairs the scientific advisory board of the French public forest. He is deputy coordinator of the IUFRO Research group on Entomology, and coordinator of the IUFRO Working Party on « Tree Health in Urban Forests». He has published more than 200 scientific papers with H-index of 61.
Silvano Fares is the Director of the Institute for Agricultural and Forest Systems in the Mediterranean at the National Research Council of Italy. He has a PhD in Forest Ecology from the University of Tuscia, Italy, and a Postdoc from the University of California - Environmental Science and Policy Department, USA. Since 2010, Silvano has worked as research leader in forest ecophysiology at the Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, and at the National Research Council of Italy. He studies exchange of greenhouse gases, biogenic volatile organic compounds, and gaseous pollutants between plant ecosystems and the atmosphere. He gained experience in flux measurement using both leaf-level enclosure systems and eddy-covariance techniques. He applies multi-layer canopy models to predict plant-atmosphere interactions under abiotic stress and to estimate ecosystem services provided by urban trees. Silvano has published over 100 research articles in peer-review Journals with a scopus H-index of 36.
The SAB will continue in 2023 in the leadership of Gary Kerr and Anne Toppinen who were appointed to continue as Chair and Vice-Chair respectively.
Learn more about SAB and see current members here: