The potential of wild forest products for Europe: key story in EFIMED’s September newsletter

We are back in September bringing you a new edition of the EFIMED newsletter full of the latest news from our Mediterranean network! This autumn issue features as the lead story the fifth publication of the EFI Knowledge to Action Series (K2A), this time jointly edited with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), dedicated to the potential of non-wood forest products for green growth in Europe. This is a comprehensive read full of policy proposals and recommendations in line with the European Commission’s roadmap objective to boost the forest-based bioeconomy.
Furthermore, in this latest newsletter you will also find interesting articles and materials from European H2020 projects such as SINCERE and ROSEWOOD4.0. In the case of the latter, which focuses on the digitisation and innovation of forestry for a more sustainable wood mobilisation, it has launched a series of videos on best practices and innovations from across Europe that may be of interest to forest managers, policymakers and wood industry stakeholders.
As ever, this autumn edition includes calls, upcoming events, and publications from all over the Mediterranean, as well as items of interest from elsewhere.
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Contribute to the next issue!: Contact: Sarah Adams, Editor, EFI Mediterranean Facility, Barcelona.