Two consortia selected for Biocities call

We are pleased to announce that the BIOCITIES and ReBio consortia have been selected to jointly address the EFI Network Fund call on Biocities.
The BIOCITIES consortium, led by the Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (Prof. Giuseppe Scarascia-Mugnozza), will work on the development of the biocities concept and producing the the Green Book of Biocities. The added value of the Green Book should lie in the synthesis of the available scientific knowledge from different disciplines. It should also assess the overall state of knowledge, policy and sectoral challenges that need to be addressed within the Biocities concept.
In parallel, the ReBio consortium, coordinated by the School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences, Bern University of Applied Sciences (Dr. Jerylee Wilkes-Allemann), will develop the Biocities Research Agenda. The Agenda will identify major knowledge and capacity building gaps and the priority research areas and topics in relation to the development and implementation of the Biocities concept in Europe and globally.
The final results of the work are expected to be available in early 2022.
Further information: Robert Mavsar (robert.mavsar(at)
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