Information Web Page
This web page displays information related to the pine wood nematode relevant to the forest sector.
Following a request for this web page from the Pine Wood Nematode Group, the page was initiated by the former EFIATLANTIC, the EFI Atlantic Regional Office, in the framework of the FORRISK project.
The Pine Wood Nematode Group gathers people interested in a continuous exchange of information on this topic in order to be able to inform and support administrative bodies, scientists and stakeholders about Pine wood nematode risks and contribute to its mitigation.
The formation of this group was an outcome of Nematode Day, an event held in Spain in 2011, during which decision makers and forest sector organisations were provided with up-to-date information about the Pine wood nematode problem in the Iberian Peninsula.
Legal Framework
Many EU decisions refer to the Pine wood nematode; some of them were summarised during the Nematode Day in 2011 and in a summary produced by UNAC.
- Directive 2000/29/EC on protective measures against the introduction into the Community of organisms harmful to plants or plant products and against their spread within the Community. This directive defines all the treatments required on wood products coming from Portugal in annexa and phytosanitary documents required for at risk materials.
- Decision 2006/133/EC requiring Member States to temporarily take additional measures against the dissemination of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner et Buhrer) Nickle et al . (the pine wood nematode) regarding areas in Portugal, other than those in which it is known not to occur. This decision was abrogated in 2012 (including 2009 modifications).
- Decision 2012/535/EU on emergency measures to prevent the spread within the Union of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner et Buhrer) Nickle et al. (the pine wood nematode).
- Decision 2015/226/EU on emergency measures to prevent the spread within the Union of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner et Buhrer) Nickle et al . (the pine wood nematode). In particular it amends the definition of susceptible wood. This is the new decision in force.
The reference norm for wood product treatment is the one defined by the FAO in its document International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (2005):
- ISPM n°15 Guidelines for regulating wood packaging material in international trade (page 173).
Ongoing European Actions
Legal actions
- Audits
DG Sanco (Directorate General for Health and Consumer Affairs) regularly conducts audits to ensure that EU regulation is applied properly, especially in the buffer zone between Portugal and Spain:
The three latest EU audit reports are available for download:
Portugal: 2014, 2013, 2012
Spain: 2014, 2012, 2011
For older reports consult the European Commission audit report web page.
- Pine wood nematode foci outside of continental Portugal
Click on each infested zone to find out its current status and history:
Information missing? Contribute to keeping this map updated !
Latest update (10/11/2016)
Please contribute by sending any relevant and up-to-date information to Christophe Orazio christophe.orazio @ Thank you!
Research actions
- IUFRO Working Party 7.02.10 - Pine Wilt Disease: an information exchange to advance understanding of PWD as an insect-borne infectious challenge to pine trees and pine ecosystems and to advance control strategies and tactics.
- PHRAME project (Plant Health Risk and Monitoring Evaluation): QLK5-CT-2002-00672: Development of improved pest risk analysis techniques for quarantine pests, using pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, in Portugal as a model system
- REPHRAME project: Research Extending Plant Health Risk and Monitoring Evaluation. At the heart of the REPHRAME project is the development of a simple web-based interface Pine Wood Nematode Tool Kit (PTK) to provide analysed data from the project as well as a raft of new practical advice, new and improved methodologies available for tackling the pest.
- 2006: Pine wilt disease: a worldwide threat to forest ecosystems. Evora, Portugal
- 2011: (Pine wood) Nematode day. Galicia, Spain
- 2013: Nematode Workshop. Galicia, Spain
Organisations Involved in Pine Wood Nematode Management
Many organisations are directly involved in the monitoring and control of the Pine wood nematode. Some key contacts are listed below:
In Europe
European Commission
Health and Consumer Directorate General
Food and Veterinary Office
GRAN 0/0240
Grange, Dunsany, Co Meath
In Portugal
The administration supervises the planning and coordination of actions
Autoridad Florestal Nacional
Av. João Crisóstomo n.º 26-28
1069-040 LISBOA
The ICNF is in charge of all the technical work for the administration (web pages, protocols, etc). On the following pages, all activities related to Pine wood nematode are reported with maps.
Instituto de Conservaçao de naturaleza e das Florestas
Forest owner associations are in charge of identifying damaged trees and monitoring insect populations, for example:
Rua de Santa Catarina, 753, 4000 - 454 Porto .
Tel. +351 22 2073130/1 Fax. +351 22 2073139
In Spain
The departments in charge of each part of the contingency activity are listed in a risk management plan available on the Ministry of Agriculture website.This document provides information about nematode life cycles and says that in each region a team for emergency management has to be established. We have listed some of the regional bodies involved in the process in Spain below:
Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca
Dirección General de la producción Agrícola y Ganadera
Servicio de Sanidad Vegetal
Consejería de Medio Ambiente
Dirección General de Gestión del Medio Natural
Servicio de Gestión Forestal Sostenible
Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo Rural
Dirección General de Ganadería y Agroalimentación
Servicio de Modernización y Fomento Asociativo (Sección de Sanidad vegetal)
Castilla la Mancha
Consejería de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural
Dirección General de Producción Agropecuaria
Dirección General de Política Forestal
Castilla Léon
Consejería de Medio Ambiente
Dirección General del Medio Natural
Servicio de Defensa del Medio Natural (Sección de Sanidad Forestal)
Centro de Sanidad Forestal de Calabazanos
Consejería de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural
Dirección General de Explotaciones Agrarias y Calidad Alimentaria
Servicio de Sanidad Vegetal
Consellería do Medio Rural
Dirección General de Producción, Industrias y Calidad Agroalimentaria
Subdirección General de Producción Agraria Sostenible y Calidad Agroalimentaria
Servicio de Producción Agraria Sostenible y Sanidad Vegetal
Dirección General de Montes e Industrias Forestales
Subdirección General de Recursos Forestales
Servicio de Producción e Industrias Forestales
Illes Balears
Govern Illes Balears
Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Agricultura Y Pesca
Servicio de Sanidad Forestal
In France
All actions are coordinated by the following department of the Ministry of Agriculture:
Département Santé de Forêt
Ministère de l’agriculture, de l’agroalimentaire et de la forêt
Direction générale de l’alimentation
Sous-Direction de la qualité et de la protection des végétaux
251 rue de Vaugirard 75732 Paris cedex 15
Tél : +33 (0) - Fax : +33 (0)
[Other countries are not taken into account for the moment, but can be added on request]
Publications of Interest
Many publications about the pine wood nematode are available in local languages. Here you have a selection of the most relevant :
- Fiche d’information sur le nématode et son vecteur, par le Département de la santé des forêts (2012)
- Suivi de la santé de forêts en France (toutes les maladies et ravageurs), par le Ministère de l’Agriculture, de l’Agroalimentaire et de la Forêt
- Bilan du plan de surveillance nématode du pin en Aquitaine, 2012, par la Direction Régionale de l'Alimentation, de l’Agriculture et de la Forêt d’Aquitaine
- Le nématode du pin et sa dissémination, présentation dans le cadre du Colloque organisé à l’occasion des 20 ans du Département Santé Forêts (2009)
- Descrição completa do nematode do pinheiro e das medidas de gestão e protecção relacionadas
- Protocolo de Higiene para o Transporte de Resinosas
- Informações geográficas atualizadas sobre o nematode do pinheiro em Portugal
- Breve descrição do nematode do pinheiro
- Pine wood nematode UK contingency plan, by the UK Forestry Commission (2015)
- How to Identify and Manage Pine Wilt Disease and Treat Wood Products Infested by the Pinewood Nematodes, by the United States Department of Agriculture