Closer to Nature Forest Management

Closer to Nature Forest Management
6 April 2022 at 10:00 –11:30 CET
Online forum

Read the event summary: ThinkForest discussions explore Closer-to-Nature Forest Management 

Closer to Nature Forest Management is a concept proposed in the EU Forest Strategy for 2030. The idea is to provide a vision and direction for managed forests in Europe which improves their conservation values as well as their climate resilience. The EU Forest Strategy also proposes developing a definition and adopting guidelines for closer to nature practices, as well as developing a voluntary closer-to-nature forest management certification scheme.

Our ThinkForest event asked:

  • What are the current pressures on forest biodiversity in managed forests as well as on forests’ health and resilience?
  • What kind of existing nature-based forest management approaches are there - and what is their ability to support biodiversity, stability and adaptability to uncertain future conditions?
  • What could be the guiding principles and framework for flexible European-wide implementation of Closer-to-Nature Forest Management?
  • What are the barriers and opportunities for its implementation?  
closer to nature forest management
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