The forest-based sector’s contribution to a bioeconomy depends on policymakers, citizens and consumers, and how they perceive, accept and promote the forest-based value chain and its products and
Integrating nature conservation effectively in forests managed for timber production implies reconciling a trade-off between ecological and economic objectives. In continuous cover forest management
Download the report here. More information Number of pages: 88 ISSN 2343-1229 (print) ISSN 2343-1237 (online) ISBN 978-952-7426-90-6 (print) ISBN 978-952-7426-91-3 (online) Date of publication: 16
Recommended citation Doporučená citace: Hlásny, T., Krokene, P., Liebhold, A., Montagné-Huck, C., Müller, J., Qin, H., Raffa, K., Schelhaas, M-J., Seidl, R., Svoboda, M., Viiri, H. 2019. Život s
First international assessment of the protection state of mostly ‘untouched’ forests in Europe An expansion of the protected areas by only about 1% would sufficiently protect most remaining primary
Managing genetic diversity is of key importance in fostering resilience of forest ecosystems to climate change. We carried out a survey reaching over 200 forest owners and managers from 15 European
This article conducts a systematic literature review of journal articles on innovation in forestry and forest-based industries. We include international, English language, peer-reviewed research