Payments for environmental (or ecosystem) services (PES) are an increasingly popular incentive mechanism. Landowners or managers are paid for the provision of certain environmental services, or for a
The low social awareness regarding the exposure to fire risk combined with the reduced individual capacity to prevent and face emergencies increase both social vulnerability and the cost of civil
The main idea behind the CREEA project was to elaborate economic and environmental accounting principles, building upon decisions and discussions in the London Group, to test them in practical data
More information Recommended citation: Yves Birot, Carlos Gracia, Marc Palahí (eds). 2011. Agua para los Bosques y la Sociedad en el Mediterráneo – Un difícil equilibrio. What Science Can Tell Us 1
More information Recommended citation: Yves Birot, Carlos Gracia, Marc Palahí (eds). 2011. L’Eau pour les Forêts et les Hommes en Région Méditerranéenne : un équilibre à trouver. What Science Can Tell
The study guides the reader through the basics of water cycle, the concepts of blue and green water, their possible trade-off and the related key challenges with focus on the Mediterranean region and
BEWATER promoted dialogue and collaboration between science and society in sustainable water management in the Mediterranean. Project partners organised participatory processes involving scientists
The aim of AGORA was to improve existing and develop new forest Research, Technology and Development (RTD) capacities in key forest scientific areas in Morocco and Tunisia. The new scientific