In this issue: Following Rio +20: European forests and the green economy Role of the fibre-based industry in the bioeconomy Forest sector in a bioeconomy Russia's WTO membership and the European
In this issue: How do forests adapt to climate change? Habitats for tree species shift as climate changes Adaptive management options for forest owners Mapping the risk to European forests Crunching
In this issue: EFI 20 years Managing Mediterranean forests as complex social-ecological systems Planted forests constitute strategic but vulnerable resources Pan-European criteria and indicators need
In this issue: Creative destruction and bioeconomy Harvesting more forest biomass sustainably Agroforestry and green economy ambitions What is the role of Mediterranean forests in the bioeconomy?
In this issue: What is the future of European forest governance? Enhancing forest fire prevention governance The provision of forest services amid agricultural landscapes Assessing bioenergy and its
In this issue: Reaching outside the forest community Shaping the future of sustainable forest management Can wood construction live up to the positive expectations? Social capital in forest governance
The aim of the project was to develop an integrated, innovative pan-European research network, which contributed to the emerging European Research Area. Input from representatives of industries, end
The objective of the Global Timber Tracking Network (GTTN) is to promote the operationalization of innovative tools for wood identification and origin determination to verify trade claims, to assist
FORESTERRA was an ERA-NET Scheme financed by the European Commission under its Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). FORESTERRA reinforced the scientific coordination and integration of Mediterranean
In 1994 COST published an inventory of scientific and technical research resources in Forestry research in Europe. The aim of this project was to update this inventory and create a database on forest