Forest fire expertise from Resilience Programme

While forests all over Europe go up in flames, science-based expertise is desperately needed. Alexander Held from EFI's Resilience Research Programme is working on and with fires since many years, and he is not just Senior Scientific Advisor with EFI, but also a qualified fire crew boss, incident commander level 3 and air attack supervisor. Both his scientific and his practical knowledge make him currently very attractive for media stations all over Europe.
Below we are sharing our recent contributions to the news, with information on how to tackle forest fires, how to mitigate them and how to enhance forest resilience over the long term. More you will find here and here.
The Telegraph: Europe 'not doing its homework' on basic wildfire prevention, experts warn
ZDF Heute+ (in German): Forest fires in Germany. Climate change is not the only reason.
Deutsche Welle (in German): Forest fire manager recommends: let us invest more in fire prevention instead of expensive extinguishing technology
FRANCE 24: The heat is on: What lies behind the extreme weather conditions?
ZDF Mittagsmagazin (in German): Forest fires will not be exceptions in the future. Information on the fire situation in Europe in general and in Germany in particular.
Kathimerini (in Greek): Policy makers and society need to become aware that in addition to effects of climate change, failed land and forest management are reasons for forest fires.
BBC News: Better forest risk management and profound evacuation plans in place can avoid human victims. Firebreaks need to be build by clearing vegetation.
Deutschlandfunk Kultur (in German): talk about the fire risk in Germany and and the need for more European collaboration in fire prevention and mitigation.
Euronews: Insights on how firefighters tackle wildfires. Urgent need for research to support fire suppression in a context of climate change.
FRANCE 24:"These fires happen every year but the weather is really windy this summer" (July 2017)