New call to develop Biocities concept!

EFI is offering an opportunity for its member organisations to develop the concept of Biocities, in a new call launched today.
Cities present some of our greatest challenges – they consume close to two-thirds of the world’s energy, account for more than 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions and are rapidly growing - more than two-thirds of the global population will live in urban areas by 2050. Global change to our climate means it is urgent to transform our existing non-sustainable fossil-fuel based economy into a circular bioeconomy. To do this means rethinking our cities, based on a new and synergistic relationship between economy and ecology, as well as integrating rural and urban areas more holistically. Ultimately this requires us to move towards sustainable bio-based cities – Biocities.
EFI aims to launch a Biocities Facility to better connect science-based knowledge to policy and practice, and to unlock the potential of forest-based solutions in rethinking and creating sustainable, healthy and resilient cities, while leading the decarbonization of our society.
A grant of up to 200,000 euros from the EFI Network Fund is available to member organisations to fund a study to develop the concept of Biocities. This study will address knowledge gaps and identify specific topics and activities that could be addressed by the new Facility.
The study should result in a manuscript for the first ever “Green Book” of Biocities, and a Research Agenda for the new Facility.
The study should be conducted by an interdisciplinary team, and the application should include at least three EFI Associate and Affiliate Member organizations. Other organizations are also welcome if duly justified to cover the disciplinary expertise required.
The deadline for the call is 31 May 2020.
More information:
Robert Mavsar, Deputy Director (firstname.lastname
To read the full call text see here.
Photo by ©gangiskhan -