Event Registration & Posters

Event Registration

If you are interested in participating in the EFI Mediterranean Network Forum 2022, please click on the link below:

Registration fees are 50 EUR as a symbolic contribution. Participants are asked to cover their own travel and accommodation expenses. 


Abstract submission

The call for abstract for poster presentation is open. Presenters will be able to submit abstracts following the abstract template. Abstracts can only be sent by email to efimed.forum@efi.int. After sending the submission email, you will receive a confirmation notification by email. If you do not receive this notification, please check your spam folder, or contact Giuseppe.tripodi@efi.int to confirm that your abstract has been received. 

Abstracts will be reviewed by members of the Scientific Committee with regard to scientific quality and relevance to the Conference. 

The deadline for abstract submission is 11 November 2022.

Notification of acceptance or rejection of abstracts will be issued upon receipt and before 18 November 2022.  Please do not wait for the acceptance of your abstract to complete your registration for the event. Due to the venue's seating capacity, we strongly recommend that you register for the event at the same time as submitting your abstract.

Poster preparation guidelines:   

The standard size for posters is A0 84.1 x 118.8 cm. Format and font size instructions are the following:

  • 85 pt font for the main title,  

  • 36 pt for subheadings,  

  • 24 pt for body text,  

  • and 18 pt for captions. 

Please do not submit an abstract unless you are committed to participating in the Forum. If unexpected circumstances force you to cancel your participation, we ask that you notify us as soon as possible at Giuseppe.tripodi@efi.int 

Please make sure you foresee enough time for Visa processing. If you need a formal invitation letter, please send us the proof of your registration with your details to Giuseppe.tripodi@efi.int and we will send you the invitation by email.