EFIMED supports projects that promote research, provide science-based information on forests and forestry in the Mediterranean, and foster scientific capacity building in forest-related activities. The projects cover a broad scope of topics, including ecosystem services, non-wood forest products, forestry sector business innovations and geoinformation technology.
EFIMED projects are funded through funding programmes and competitive calls. EFIMED has also signed an agreement with the Barcelona provincial council for a general protocol of activities and framework for cooperation.
Read more about EFIMED’s ongoing projects below or visit the project bank to access publications and outputs developed through completed projects.
Current Projects
![]() | Incentivising future forest ecosystem services and incomes in Europe (INTERCEDE) | |
The INTERCEDE project aims to enhance the value of Europe’s forests to Europe’s citizens by identifying and upscaling market-based instruments, developing policy frameworks and guidelines, and reducing the gap between high-level research and policy and practice.
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European innovation partnership network promoting operational groups dedicated to forestry and agroforestry (FOREST4EU) | ||
FOREST4EU will collect, share and disseminate knowledge and innovations developed by operational groups from the forestry and agroforestry across Europe. The initiative will also discuss and present the benefits of operational groups relevant to the Green Deal to EU policy makers. In addition, it will establish connections with policy makers working with CAP and innovation at the local level, particularly in countries where operational groups dealing with forestry and agroforestry are not funded, to promote new initiatives and a greater geographic balance between different EU regions.
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Landscape resilience knowledge alliance for agriculture and forestry in the Mediterranean basin (ResAlliance) | ||
ResAlliance is a thematic network project funded by the Horizon Europe Programme of the European Union, which aims at facilitating information and knowledge flow to increase awareness, understanding, and capacity of farmers and foresters on landscape resilience. Focusing on Mediterranean countries, ResAlliance will gather and assess knowledge, gaps, barriers and good practices to achieve resilient landscapes, with particular emphasis on measures against the hazards of climate change.
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Supporting knowledge exchange between all AKIS actors in the European Union (EU-FarmBook) | ||
EU-FarmBook aims to bring together all the tangible outputs of EU-funded research and innovation projects in one user-friendly platform to help get practical knowledge into the hands of the farmers, foresters and advisors across Europe who need it most. The project will capitalize on the results of the EU-funded Horizon 2020 projects EURAKNOS and EUREKA.
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Co-designing Holistic Forest-based Policy Pathways for Climate Change Mitigation (FORESTPATHS) | ||
ForestPaths will co-design, quantify and evaluate holistic forest-based policy pathways to optimize the contribution of forests and the forest-based sector to climate change mitigation, while considering the need to adapt forests to climate change, conserve biodiversity and sustain forest ecosystem services provisioning.
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Innovative technologies & socio-ecological-economic solutions for fire resilient territories in Europe (FIRE-RES) | ||
FIRE-RES innovates processes, methods and tools to effectively promote the implementation of a more holistic fire management approach and support the transition towards more resilient landscapes and communities to extreme wildfire events. FIRE-RES is developing a strategy to address extreme wildfire events efficiently and effectively in Europe in 11 Living Labs.
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Holistic management practices, modelling & monitoring for European forest Soils (HoliSoils) | ||
HoliSoils tackles gaps in knowledge on forest soil processes and aims to harmonise available soil monitoring information to support decision making towards climate and sustainability goals. HoliSoils identifies and tests novel soil management practices aiming to mitigate climate change and sustain provision of various ecosystem services essential for human livelihoods and wellbeing.
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Mediterranean Forestry and Natural Resources Management (MEDfOR) | ||
MEDfOR is a two-year, world-class International Msc Programme that focuses on the integrating theme of sustainability in Mediterranean forests and woodlands. The MEDfOR Msc Programme brings together the best expertise, human resources and facilities to educate the next generation of leaders in forestry, natural resources, and public and private land management throughout the Mediterranean region.
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Completed Projects
Environmental public goods From Farming through Effective Contract Targeting (EFFECT) | |
EFFECT combines insights from natural science and agronomy about the relationship between agricultural practices and environmental impacts with theoretical and empirical insights from law, political science and economics to develop novel designs of agri-environmental contracts. Through these new contractual frameworks, EFFECT aims to help farmers reconcile agricultural productivity with enhanced delivery of climate and environmental public goods and services to the benefit of society at large. | |
Green for Care (Green4C) | |
Green4C innovates and promotes green care, that is, activities in contact with nature and nature-based solutions that promote physical and mental wellbeing, health, and social inclusion. The Green4C alliance aims at increasing Europe’s innovation capacity among universities and businesses by promoting green and natural approaches to health and social care. | |
ROSEWOOD4.0 harnesses digital solutions and boosts knowledge transfer to connect multiple actors along the forest value chain to reinforce the sustainability of wood mobilisation in Europe. ROSEWOOD4.0 builds on the ROSEWOOD network of regional hubs, extending this well-established network both in geographical reach and the breadth of tools and solutions shared with stakeholders across Europe. | |
Spurring INnovations for forest eCosystem sERvices in Europe (SINCERE) | |
SINCERE advances innovative mechanisms, including novel policies and business models, which support the provision of Forest Ecosystem Services across Europe and beyond. Innovations developed through SINCERE explore new means to enhance such services in ways that benefit forest owners as well as serving broad societal needs. | |
The main objective of the MASIFF project was to develop and implement a methodology for the assessment of socio-economic impact of forest fires in Europe and to estimate the economic efficiency of fire management. https://efi.int/projects/masiff-development-methodology-analysis-socio-economic-impact-forest-fires-and-economic | |
SustForest Plus | |
SustForest Plus is an initiative supported by the major players in the value chain of natural resin in southwestern Europe to boost economic activity in the sector and elevate natural resin as a sustainable social, economic, and environmental resource. The project focuses on three main objectives: meeting demand in the natural resins industry; generating stable and quality employment; and comercially and technologically valuing natural resin. | |
Innovation Networks of Cork, Resins and Edibles in the Mediterranean basin (INCREDIBLE) | |
INCREDIBLE addresses the gap between existing research and innovation knowledge on service systems for non-wood forest products in the Mediterranean. INCREDIBLE forges knowledge links and fosters collaboration through the development of Innovative Networks (iNets) among stakeholders involved in the production of cork, resins, mushrooms and truffles, nuts and berries, and aromatic and medicinal plants. | |
MySustainableForest | |
MySustainableForest provides Earth Observation (EO) geo-information products across the wood sector to support the production chain from sustainable forest management procedures to wood quality entering sawmills, pulp mills or other wood transforming industries. MySustainableForest translates and synthesises satellite, Lidar, meteorological and in-situ data, together with customised forestry models, to create site-specific products that support forest users’ decision-making. | |
Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas (SIMRA) | |
SIMRA sought to advance understanding of social innovation and innovative governance in agriculture, forestry and rural development in marginalised rural areas. It developed new patterns of cooperation, co-construction and collaborative learning through novel approaches and shared knowledge, in order to bridge the research-policy-practice gap. http://www.simra-h2020.eu/ | |
Valorising European Research for Innovation in Agriculture and Forestry (VALERIE) bridged the gap between scientific results and implementing scientific knowledge by improving the accessibility and availability of new knowledge for innovation in agriculture and forestry. The project focused on six central themes ranging from crop, soil, and pest management; to integrated supply chain management; to biomass and food waste; and ecosystem services. | |
BEWATER helped to find sustainable and inclusive solutions to key challenges facing European society, to incorporate Science in Society issues into research and innovation systems and to improve transnational cooperation through four pilot projects in Mediterranean river basins. http://www.bewaterproject.eu/ | |
The CREEA project sought to elaborate economic and environmental accounting principles in the priority areas of waste and resources, water, forest and climate change, and to test them in practical data collection to showcase the relevance of this practical application to policy makers and other stakeholders. https://efi.int/projects/creea-compiling-and-refining-environmental-and-economic-accounts | |
Tip Tree | |
The project sought to identify tipping points in the demographic and micro-evolutionary dynamics of tree populations by assessing how human actions interfere in the adjustment between the rate of evolution and the velocity of global change. https://efi.int/projects/tip-tree-scenarios-forest-biodiversity-dynamics-under-global-change-europe-identifying | |
eFIRECOM aimed at enhancing the resilience of citizens to wildfires in interface areas from the Mediterranean region through effectively promoting and increasing awareness and participation on the culture of risk, utilising updated knowledge and best practices. https://efirecom.ctfc.cat/ | |
Star Tree | |
The StarTree project aimed to demonstrate how multi-purpose trees and non-wood forest products can be used to strengthen and diversify economic activities in rural areas. StarTree relied on strong stakeholder engagement through in-depth case studies across Europe, and brought together key research organisations and specialised SMEs working in targeted areas. https://www.star-tree.eu/ | |
FORESTERRA reinforced the scientific coordination and integration of Mediterranean programmes in forest research, enhanced scientific cooperation in the EU and non-EU member countries of the Mediterranean area and with countries from other Mediterranean Climate Areas (Australia, South Africa, Chile, USA). http://www.foresterra.eu/ | |
NewFOREX | |
NewFOREX project developed new methodologies for valuing and marketing currently non-marketable forest functions, goods and services by identifying the beneficiaries, assessing the cost of provision of externalities and providing key policy recommendations through six case studies covering key externalities: carbon sequestration, biodiversity protection, watershed services and recreation. https://efi.int/projects/newforex-new-ways-value-and-market-forest-externalities | |
Waves | |
Waves was a World Bank-facilitated global partnership to promote sustainable development by mainstreaming Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) in countries’ development planning and national accounting systems. https://www.wavespartnership.org/ | |
SylvaMED | |
The SylvaMED project aimed at improving the policy frameworks in view of combining forest management in private and public lands with the provision of relevant environmental services to society. The project constituted an attempt to respond to the challenge of the supply and financing of environmental services, considering their costs and benefits. https://efi.int/projects/sylvamed-mediterranean-forests-all | |
The aim of AGORA was to improve existing and develop new forest Research, Technology and Development (RTD) capacities in key forest scientific areas in Morocco and Tunisia. https://efi.int/projects/agora-advancing-forest-research-capacities | |
The FORVALUE project produced an overview of all goods and services provided from and by forests in EU, to identify non-market goods and services and to examine the classification of non-marketed goods and services, as well as their valuation and marketing. This data supported conclusions and recommendations for the development and practical application of mechanisms compensating for provision of non-market forest goods and services in the EU. https://efi.int/projects/forvalue-study-development-and-marketing-non-marketed-forest-products-and-services |