Exchange of Experts in Poland: Teamwork at its best!
When more than 100 motivated forest fire experts from seven nations come together in Poland to practice various forest fire fighting tactics at an Exchange of Experts (EoE) for three days, and contrary to the forecast, the weather cooperates, the weekend goes perfectly!
The first International Forest Camp in Poland took place 20-22 May in Gołąbki (Toruń State Forest). The aim of the workshop was to train techniques and tactics for fighting forest fires. First, in different training stations on Friday and on the following two days, various aspects of forest fire scenarios were simulated under the guidance of international forest fire experts. So teams from all over Europe had to apply the knowledge they had learned. The experts were able to give direct feedback and the teams could (if necessary) adjust their planned strategy.
The event was organized by SNEP (“Stowarzyszenie Niezależnych Ekspertów Pożarnictwa”), an association of forest fire experts in Poland, in close cooperation with the WKR project. Different tactics were trained: communication, orientation with map and compass, fire weather, safety at the scene, use of hand tools, handling hose and portable pump systems.
The exchange with international partners promotes the common understanding of the topic, creates trust and connects people to be able to help each other in crisis situations.
More information on the project website.