New Strategy Implementation Plan for 2022-2025

The EFI Strategy 2025, which was launched in 2017, remains highly relevant and timely. EFI’s vision of a world where forests significantly contribute to sustainable wellbeing and its mission: connecting knowledge to action have become even more relevant during the coronavirus pandemic. The need for post-Covid economic recovery is also a unique opportunity for EFI to increase its relevance and impact by providing science-informed policy support to accelerate the transition towards a climate-neutral and nature-positive economy.
EFI’s strategy is built around three interconnected and interdisciplinary themes: Bioeconomy, Resilience and Governance and three mutually reinforcing strategic goals
- An ambitious European forest research and innovation area
- Science-informed policies to address societal challenges and opportunities
- Awareness in society of the importance of forests
The new Strategy Implementation Plan 2022-2025 reflects the new research and policy topics and questions that we would like to address in the coming years in collaboration with our network. It also describes the diversity of EFI structures (Programmes, Facilities and Research Networks) that will populate the EFI organizational ecosystem by 2025.