Climate change alters the operational environment of forest management. The need to increase forest resilience and manage forests based on the best available knowledge is urgent. However, it is
Biodiversity is currently one of the most prominent topics in forest policy discussions in Europe. There are discussions on how forest biodiversity can be maintained and enhanced in nowadays
There is a large body of research on the benefits green spaces offer city dwellers and how people use urban green spaces (UGS). However, there is much less information on how many people do not use
Thinning treatments along with the establishment of mixed forest stands have been put forward as possible adaptation strategies to cope with climate change, although the effectiveness of combining
Natural forest expansion (NFE), that is, the establishment of secondary forest on non-forested land through natural succession, has substantially contributed to the widespread expansion of forests in
Nature-based solutions including urban forests and wetlands can help communities cope better with climate change and other environmental stressors by enhancing social-ecological resilience. Natural
Major wood-importing markets, such as the European Union, the United States of America, and China, have set regulations in place requiring operators to only sell wood-based goods that are sourced and
Carbon offsets from voluntary avoided-deforestation projects are generated on the basis of performance in relation to ex ante deforestation baselines. We examined the effects of 26 such project sites
Gene editing technologies are emerging as powerful tools for agricultural development, spurring both hopes and concerns in society. To understand emerging discourses and coalitions around the role of