
Download a complete list of scientific publications by EFI researchers: 2020 |2019 |2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013


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Abstract The European Arctic is commonly thought of as a pristine and homogeneous area. In reality, it is a diverse region experiencing growth relying on natural resource extraction. Despite local
Civil society
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Abstract Reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) projects and programmes promise to deliver performance-based, cost-effective climate change mitigation. Fifteen years after
Climate change
Policy support
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Finland shows strong support for reducing its climate footprint originating from the built environment as part of the national carbon neutrality goal by 2035. Two prime examples are increasing wood
Wood construction
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Purpose of Review Agroforestry and urban forestry have evolved mainly as separate disciplines, although they share a long history of tree cultivation in man-made environments. Here, we review their
Climate change
Ecosystem services
Urban forests
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Resilience is commonly addressed when dealing with the sustainable planning and management of social–ecological systems, but we lack a unified framework for its quantitative assessment and application
Ecosystem services
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This new assessment revisits the questions examined in the 2010 GFEP report on the International Forest Regime and examines the main aspects of the current landscape of international forest governance
Policy support
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The governance of urban forests as nature-based solutions (UF-NBS) in cities presents numerous challenges for public officials as different socio-cultural, environmental, political, and economic
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The world is currently facing uncertainty caused by environmental, social, and economic changes and by political shocks. Fostering social-ecological resilience by enhancing forests’ ability to provide
Climate change
Ecosystem services
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The management and governance of forests must consider the synergies and trade-offs between different societal goals, especially with the bioeconomy being a key factor in recent sectoral strategies
Ecosystem services