In the autumn of 2015, EFI’s Project Centre MOUNTFOR (Preserving and Enhancing the Multifunctionality of Mountain Forests) organised the 30th session of the European Forestry Commission Working Party
The year 2016 was a turning point: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted, and the Paris Agreement on climate change came into effect
Catastrophic forest fires claimed lives this summer across the world, from California to Portugal and Spain. The Mediterranean basin is a global wildfire hotspot and the threat of wildfires to forests
One of the data services EFI offers to its network is the Forest Products Trade Flow Database. This database provides information on bilateral trade flows between 200 countries and any of their trade
The increasing diversity of non-industrial private forest owners (PFOs) in Europe has been recognized by policy makers and the forestry sector at large. Typologies of these owners have been developed
Forests are of crucial importance for Natura 2000, the EU-wide ecological network of protected areas. Nearly 25% of the total forest area in the EU is part of the network, but knowledge about how
In 2016, our work at the European Forest Institute focused on building the new EFI Strategy 2025 – together with our network. Read about the highlights of our 2016 here, or read a more detailed report
A green, circular, bio-based economy could replace the current linear fossil fuel-based economic system that has underpinned the development of the past 200 years. In this new paradigm, forests and
Many excellent results are obtained in agricultural and forestry research projects, but their practical adoption is often limited. The aim of the European project VALERIE is to increase the transfer