Mediterranean Forest Research Agenda 2030

Visit this page for more updated information
We’re building on the success of the MFRA 2020 by bringing together expertise from across the Mediterranean to identify the main challenges – and opportunities – for the next decade of forest research.
Ten years have passed since the formulation of the Mediterranean Forest Research Agenda 2011-2020 (MFRA 2020). The new knowledge generated over the past decade by a vibrant research community has revealed new questions and uncovered critical gaps that remain in our knowledge of the Mediterranean. Meanwhile, climate and social change are rapidly transforming the underpinnings of the complex social ecological systems at work in the Mediterranean, shaking the foundations of our research and innovation priorities.
Read the previous MFRA 2020 here
Now is the opportune moment to review the achievements we have made in the last 10 years and to agree on new shared priorities for research, and translate this research to action.
As the challenges of the next decade call for increasingly urgent work, we can together navigate the uncertain waters of global change.
Mediterranean Forest Research Agenda 2030
To co-create the MFRA 2030, it is essential to understand the state-of-the-art in scientific literature dealing with the many dimensions, challenges, and opportunities of Mediterranean forests, and what are the central priorities for future scientific research.
The overarching aims of the MFRA 2030 process are to:
- Reflect on the most relevant advances made by the Mediterranean forest research community, with special attention to the priorities set in the MFRA 2020
- Identify the most relevant common challenges that Mediterranean forests –understood as social ecological systems– will be facing in the next decade, and
- Develop a common set of themes and strategic research priorities.
The final objective of this collective effort is to foster transnational research cooperation, mobilising research funds towards the agreed priorities.
Co-creating the MFRA 2030
Creating the MFRA 2030 is a collective effort, open to the participation of researchers, policy makers, stakeholders, and other experts from across the EFIMED network, and the Mediterranean forest-related community at large. We seek contributions from and about Southern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, as well as from other Mediterranean climate areas.
We have defined the following steps:
- Looking back on the MFRA 2020: how far have we advanced in the MFRA 2020 themes? Are they still the top priorities?
- Looking forward to the MFRA 2030: What are the emerging gaps?
- Collecting feedback: through contributions on this website, participatory webinars, and expert reviews of the proposed themes.
Your Contribution Counts
Over the coming months, we will reach out and engage with our wide Mediterranean network via a series of events and processes, inviting actors – and readers like you – to share expertise and insights. Opportunities for interaction will be regularly updated via our platform, where you can find key documents, events, workshops and seminars.
Join us in this effort, so we can together create the knowledge platform for improving the resilience of Mediterranean forested landscapes, and thus, the region as a whole.
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