Despite the fact that Europe is a data-rich region, a future forest monitoring system will integrate and complement existing national systems. The aim of this webinar is to discuss how results from Horizon Europe research projects can contribute to the development of a future forest monitoring system and how to use its information for co-designing forest-based policy pathways to achieve climate and biodiversity goals. ForestPaths, one of the organisers, is the participating EFI project.
A common European forest monitoring system is crucial as it:
- Promotes climate -and biodiversity- smart forest management by providing vital data for policymaking,
- Helps evaluate and maximise forests’ role in climate change mitigation, aids in biodiversity conservation,
- Safeguards economic interests by monitoring forest resources, and
- Assists in disaster prevention through early threat detection and identifying adaptation needs.
Learn more about the three projects organising the webinar series:

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Horizon Europe (HORIZON) Research & Innovation programme under the Grant Agreement no. 101056875 (ForestNavigator), no. 101056755 and the United Kingdom Research and Innovation Coucil (ForestPaths), and no. 101056907 (PathFinder). This output reflects only the authors’ view, and the European Union cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.