Improved ways of monitoring forests are proposed in the EU Forest Strategy for 2030. Harmonised,
reliable data and information could contribute to better informed forest-related policies, as forests
provide biodiversity reservoirs and climate sinks, protect landscapes and provide wood and non-wood
goods and nature-based solutions for society. While the demand for forest ecosystem services is
clearly increasing, at the same time forests are threatened by increased disturbances, biodiversity loss
and climate change. Long-term data provision and analysis to monitor forests across countries is
needed to support policy-makers to take long-term decisions. A proposal for a new monitoring forest
regulation has been presented by the European Commission and published on 22nd November 2023.
Our ThinkForest event asks:
• What are the aims and objectives of the new EU forest monitoring regulation?
• How does the proposed monitoring regulation serve the needs of EU policies?
• How does the proposed monitoring regulation link to existing monitoring schemes?
This is an invitation only event.
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