Assessment of EUDR information needs and information availability from the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) certification

The European Forest Institute (EFI) has conducted an assessment through our KAMI project, in collaboration with the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO), on information needs, availability and gaps in relation to the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) and the MSPO certification scheme.
The assessment outlines areas where EUDR information needs align with information available from MSPO certification, and where information gaps exist, focusing on the following key areas:
- Geolocation
- Deforestation-free status
- Legality
- Traceability
- Risk assessment
The assessment highlights the potential of MSPO as a source of information for operators placing palm oil products on the EU market. The proposed solutions for closing the information gaps focus on closer alignment of MSPO certification with EUDR information needs, to further enhance the utility of MSPO certification as a tool for supporting due diligence in line with global market demands.
Please read the assessment to increase your awareness of how MSPO certification can assist EU operators with their due diligence obligations under the EUDR.
Download the report: Joint gap assessment of the EUDR information needs and information availability from the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) certification