Have your say about forest related concepts!

In the attempt to address the increasing societal demand and policy concern for biodiversity-friendly and climate-resilient forest management, many forest-related concepts appeared in the last decade in the scientific literature and programmatic documents. As the scientific knowledge is growing, EFI in partnership with Universitatea Ștefan cel Mare din Suceava (USV) in Romania launched a study to understand how SFM is connoted to other forest-related concepts currently abundant in the political debate and scientific literature. The study is based on a literature review and is complemented by a survey to collect expert-based opinions on 17 different forest-related concepts (biodiversity safe-forestry, climate-smart forestry, retention forestry, continuous cover forestry, nature-based forestry, rewilding, etc.).
The survey has three objectives:
- to identify experts' opinions about forest management challenges at EU scale,
- to identify similarities and overlapping between SFM concept and other forest-related concepts, and
- to identify perceptions on the way the new forest-related concepts address the challenges of both biodiversity protection and climate-change mitigation and adaptation.
We would be grateful to have your assessment about similarities, synergies and overlapping between SFM concept and other forest-related concepts you are familiar with. To this aim, we would kindly invite you to give your expert-opinion on this short questionnaire. Fill in the survey here by November 10, 2022.
Image by adobe.stock.com - glazunoff