It Starts with Us: Human-Centered Design to Tackle Barriers for Collaboration

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AI-generated image by AbdulRahmanUzair via Adobe Stock.

Human: A Barrier to Transformative Change 

For biodiversity conservation to be effective, nature must be placed at the heart of decision-making. In recent years, concepts like nature-based solutions (NbS) have emerged as promising tools for fostering social empowerment and ecological transformation. Yet, studies reveal a significant limitation: these concepts are often applied within narrow, specific contexts, restricting their potential to drive transformative change. A troubling pattern emerges when we look closer at how "nature" is framed. Complex, top-down power dynamics often exclude marginalised communities and species from meaningful participation. This disconnect underscores the need to rethink how we approach biodiversity conservation. 

The challenges we face in creating a sustainable society are not just environmental — they're deeply human. We often struggle to align on shared goals to protect the planet. Different languages, perspectives, and priorities can create barriers to collaboration. To develop solutions that effectively address biodiversity loss, we must first overcome the human problems that stand in the way. This calls for a shift toward designing communications and public engagement strategies with a human-centred approach. 

Introducing the Leverage Points Toolkit 

Recognising the importance of this shift, CLEVER has developed the Leverage Points Toolkit. Following the collaborative workshop on narratives with our cluster partners from BioValue, BioNext, and PLANET4B, this resource was created to support the Transformative Change cluster project partners in applying human-centred design principles when crafting communication materials and engagement activities. 

This 7-page document provides: 

  • Practical tips for the design of human-centred communications and engagement outputs and activities 
  • Links to short videos guiding the development of empathy and understanding target audiences 
  • Tools like the empathy map and persona-building frameworks to explore existing worldviews and mindsets 
  • Stakeholder mapping ideas using free collaborative tools like Canva 

Cluster partners can use these tools to create strategies that resonate more deeply with their audiences, fostering empathy and driving more effective public engagement. 

Access the Toolkit 
Ready to take a human-centred approach to communicating about biodiversity conservation? Access the Leverage Points Toolkit and start being part of the change: 
Download the Toolkit 

Written by Rina Tsubaki from the European Forest Institute.

AI-generated image by AbdulRahmanUzair via Adobe Stock.