Bioeconomy research

Forests, forestry and the forest-based sector are the cornerstone of the European bioeconomy, and a major contributor to climate change mitigation. The speed and scale of European forest bioeconomy development crucially depends on several questions, such as technological and market developments within and outside the forest-based sector, the dynamics of global biomass demand and supply, the European and international policy framework and the ability to use forests in a sustainable way. Forest bioeconomy is also affected by globalization, the digital economy and symbiosis with other sectors: construction, chemicals, textiles and energy, etc.
EFI's Bioeconomy Programme addresses the need for foresight, interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral research at the interface of markets, products, policies and forest resources. Generating knowledge about the broad sustainability implications of developing a European forest bioeconomy, as well as the effects of different regulations and policy incentives is also key.
Priority topics
- The role of a forest-based circular bioeconomy for a post-fossil society
- The dynamics of wood-based bioeconomy markets
- The contribution of non-wood forest products and ecosystem services to a sustainable bioeconomy
- Understanding and supporting forest-based innovation across sectors
- Integrative approaches as a basis for Sustainable Forest Management
- Agroforestry for resilient landscapes
- Circular Biocities: from a concept to the new urban reality
- A holistic approach to European forest information
Current projects
Head of Programme: Diana Tuomasjukka
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