Are you curious to learn more about the application of close-to-nature forest management in Switzerland and beyond?
Do you want to discuss silvicultural concepts that can support forests in becoming more resilient to future disturbances and extreme climatic events?
Our workshop aims to bring together diverse networks, including the Integrate Network, NFZ.forestnet, SwissForestLab and various EU-funded projects such as TRANSFORMIT, FORWARDS, Wildcard, Richforests, INFORMA, and SUPERB to discuss and assess integrative, climate-smart forest management in promoting more resilient and species-rich forests. The workshop also includes an excursion and an exercise in a Swiss marteloscope.
More information you will find in the agenda, and in our flyer!
Feel free to already register here.
Featured image: Zürischsee Albiskette Albis - Kostenloses Foto auf Pixabay