New platform for science educators

The MULTIPLIERS project has just launched its new MULTIPLIERS Open Schooling Hub: a platform hosting a wealth of teaching and learning resources for educators looking to address some of today’s most relevant real-world challenges, such as vaccination and biodiversity protection.
Six initial toolkits are available on the platform, delving into the topics of air pollution, antimicrobial resistance, biodiversity and ecosystem services, clean water and sanitation, forest use vs. forest protection and vaccination. Tools gathered in each of the inaugural toolkits follow a proven and tested approach to increase students’ interest in science, improve their science career awareness and boost self-efficacy, all while building stronger links between students, schools, experts, families and wider communities. They were prepared in close collaboration with researchers and teachers from various fields – including science, ethics, pedagogy, science communication and education for sustainable development – who contributed to developing and enhancing each tool during the MULTIPLIERS project’s first implementation round.
The resources help students to deeply consider real-world challenges and become knowledge multipliers, engaging their communities in tackling issues discussed in school. Educators can search for both individual activities and activity sequences, selecting the desired age range, duration, main topic and focus competencies (e.g. scientific inquiry, argumentation, problem or project-based learning, cooperative work, etc). Activity formats vary from traditional to innovative approaches, such as jigsaw games, debates, experiments, reflection, learning in the lab, meetings with experts, and experiencing authentic settings, among others.
Take a look of the platform here.
The MULTIPLIERS Open Schooling Hub showcases the first outputs of the EU-funded Horizon 2020 project MULTIPLIERS, compiling content developed by the project partners University of Bonn, University of Cyprus, Autonomous University of Barcelona, University of Ljubljana, Umeå University, the utility company IREN and the international organisation European Forest Institute. The Hub will be continuously expanded and, at a later stage, contain recommendations on the implementation of Open Schooling projects, teaching guidelines, and a White Book for policymakers, among other knowledge products on Open Schooling.
Image: Adobe Stock - WavebreakMediaMicro