EFIMED’s November newsletter now out!

After a fast-paced November with a lot of news in our Mediterranean network, EFIMED is pleased to share with you a new bulletin full of interesting updates!

EFI’s Sven Wunder once again ranked on global Highly Cited Researcher list

Sven Wunder ranks for the eighth consecutive year in Clarivate and Web of Science’s yearly top-1% list, honouring the 6,602 most highly cited researchers across 21 fields.

The potential of wild forest products for Europe: key story in EFIMED’s September newsletter

We are back in September bringing you a new edition of the EFIMED newsletter full of the latest news from our Mediterranean network!

Wild forest products can help propel green growth in Europe

Co-published by the European Forest Institute (EFI) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the latest publication in EFI's Knowledge to Action series outlines the extent to which these forest products are embedded in daily life and the actions needed to leverage their potential more widely.

EFI experts in numerous media reports on devastating Mediterranean fires

Science-based information for profound media reporting is needed to prevent misinformation of the public. Raising awareness for the importance of preventive measures to avoid fires is an essential part.

EFIMED's newsletter gets a complete makeover and returns in September!

Last EFIMED newsletter of the summer! This July's issue is packed with news and has a fresher and more visually appealing look.

Looking to the future with the Mediterranean Forest Research Agenda 2030

At the European Forest Institute we kick off the summer with the latest edition of the Mediterranean Facility newsletter.

Mediterranean Forest Research Agenda 2030

We’re building on the success of the MFRA 2020 by bringing together expertise from across the Mediterranean to identify the main challenges – and opportunities – for the next decade of forest research.

Cork and wood stories: key toppings of EFIMED's May newsletter

Cork and wood are the featured "ingredients" in this new edition of EFI's Mediterranean Facility newsletter.

European survey on the markets of Forest-Based Care and Green Care Tourism

If you are involved in a forest-based care or green care tourism initiative, then take the survey to help understand the green care market!