H2020 project INCREDIBLE's success tops EFIMED's April newsletter

Before the end of April, EFI's Mediterranean Facility is pleased to share with its wide audience the monthly newsletter with the latest news from the Mediterranean network.

EFIMED's March newsletter highlights forests' multiple potentials

Before the start of the Easter holidays, EFI is pleased to share with you the latest news from our Mediterranean Network. This March edition highlights the multiple benefits and services, as well as the untapped potential of Europe's forests for society and the EU's green economy.

Spotlight on Europe’s bioeconomy in last EFIMED's Newsletter

February ends with a long list of events (webinars, conferences, policy forums, etc.) announced for the coming weeks and months along with a variety of reports and publications recently launched within EFI's Mediterranean network.

Starting 2021 with exciting news in EFI’s Mediterranean network

EFI Mediterranean Facility (EFIMED) starts this year 2021 with a newsletter issue featuring news for this first quarter full of events related to the H2020 projects, such as the INCREDIBLE Policy Forum that will be held online and will bring together many experts and stakeholde

Thanks to our active Mediterranean network

EFI's Mediterranean Facility (EFIMED) brings the year 2020 to a close with the latest December issue.

Hot off the press: November’s news from EFI’s Mediterranean network!

European projects coming full of news and events, while others are ending after three years of development and production.

MySustainableForest platform: improving forestry through Earth observation solutions

The EU project MySustainableForest develops a new commercial service where users can access geoinformation products for more sustainable and efficient forest management.

EFIMED's Sven Wunder among 2020's Highly Cited Researchers for his cross-field performance

EFI's principal scientist, Sven Wunder, has been named Highly Cited Researcher for the seventh consecutive year on the Clarivate's Web of Science 2020 list.

Forest bioeconomy takes centre stage in EFIMED's October newsletter

Forest bioeconomy is one of the main topics of the EFIMED newsletter this October. The autumn season has begun with many initiatives linking non-wood forest products, with new business models, the development of new technologies and an approach that looks towards forest bioeconomy as a key player in the green transition of EU countries and regional economies.

EFIMED newsletter is back with September’s top highlights

The newsletter from EFI's Mediterranean Network is back full of news this September. After a summer break, this month's top story reports on EFI's new publication dedicated to the Circular Bioeconomy of Wellbeing and its 10-point Action Plan.