Article listing


EFIMED and other experts from both the Northern and Southern Mediterranean regions participated to present inspiring examples of social entrepreneurship, participatory approaches and land restoration concerning non-wood forest products.
Do you have an interesting solution or business idea to solve a technological, social or environmental challenge for non-wood forest products in the Mediterranean?
The European Forest Institute’s Bordeaux Office (EFIPLANT) who coordinates the PLURIFOR project on Transnational Plans for the Management of Forest Risks participated to the workshop and shared experience on the management of pinewood nematode (PWN) in South Western Europe and tools for detection and monitoring biotic threats.
This year’s Annual Conference will be held in Aberdeen, UK on 18 - 20 September.
met to exchange ideas for their annual work plan
It is a forest scenario model that projects forest resource development on regional to European scale
Our latest ThinkForest event discussed how to respond to bark beetles, storms and fires
How Ivorian smallholder cocoa farmers are restoring lost tree cover
EFI’s latest science-policy study provides new recommendations on dealing with increasing bark beetle outbreaks
Solution Hack Helsinki dug deeper into Finnish lead on circular economy.

Today a large variety of global forest governance initiatives exist dealing with forests and wider forest-related issues.

As the Sixth Mediterranean Forest Week draws near, the final agenda is now available for our plenary session on “Forest-based Solutions: linking non-wood forest products with the economy: participatory approaches".
From 1 to 5 April, during the VI Mediterranean Forest Week which will be held in Lebanon, the Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas (SIMRA) Project organises a parallel workshop on social innovation in forest contexts.
This year's theme was Forests and Education
Business-as-usual to manage forest fires is no longer possible, especially when countries are facing increasing risks due to climate change. Experts from Spain and around Europe met to discuss new strategies for facing forest fires in Europe and the Mediterranean.